Wednesday, May 20, 2009

GBHCTOO: the word

The scene down at the local malden elephant mobile skatepark was radder than what we're used to yesterday. Mikel Miranda, built to shred, was on his way to enjoy what skating has to offer, but unfortunately was caught up with his past. While getting pulled over for a standard traffic violation, he was asked if he had ever been arrested before and truthfully answered yes for driving on a NASCAR track without the permission of Geoff Kordan. Police Officer Jake took miranda's license and looked up his record to find out the deep secret that Mikey's a wanted man by the federales. Officer Jake(badge#420) saw that mikey goes under several different aliases, such as percanda, pabbit, pabbito, spercanda, key, mikey smallstick, and the infamous kel mersh. Avoiding being arrested with sly manuevers, Mikey is being charged for smuggling commercials from Mejico, with the help of henchmen Nasty, Chewy, and other Cereous, and also assault charges in '98 on a young Nigolas Biggieler. The word is that Mikey is going to plead insanity and self defense.
P.S. 7-Eleven is the shiznit!

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