Thursday, March 26, 2009

For Poois

I woke up with a massive bone this morning in the middle of an unfulfilled wet dream about banging that lady that always comes by the skate park with all those kids . The dream was such that I busted at the exact same moment I was opening my eyes. It was a bulls eye shot (pun intended). What's a boy to do? I couldn't exactly ask for help, but my god, did this burn! I thought I was going blind. As the acid's were fizzling and steam erupted from my eye socket, I came up with a brilliant idea. I ran over to Dickneil's while he was still sleeping and stole his copy of GB Hardcore. I pop that bad boy in and watching the exploits were so pleasing to my eyes that not only did the pain stop, but I no longer need glasses! I proceeded to wake up the neighborhood with a blowhorn and sang "Amazing Grace" in Hebrew until the cops came.


  1. alex k does not fuck around

  2. imagine that bone! even the burst, more intense than a kool-aid entrance. It's like POW!right in the kisser.
